What is health and safety management software?

Why qubesense?

How qubesense HSE management software helps overcome industrial challenges?

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Paperless and Safe

qubesense streamlines HS&E forms, providing real-time data and insights from cloud storage. With mobile capabilities, employees can easily access and complete forms, reducing paper-based processes. In turn, businesses can enhance safety and efficiency All your scattered data can now be turned into meaningful business insights

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Real-time visibility

qubesense occupational health and safety management system provides real-time visibility into safety data, helping to identify and prevent potential hazards and risks. The live and offline features allow users to document inspections, inductions, meetings, incidents, and hazard reports directly from the site with GPS tracking

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All-in-one platform

qubesense' integrated health and safety solution streamlines processes across your organization all on a single platform, eliminating the hassle associated with using multiple solutions and data source

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Resource optimization

Safety management system software helps optimize resources by automating routine tasks, creating schedules, compiling timesheet data, and centralizing employee records. This make safety mangement more streamlined and cost-effective

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Risk Management

qubesense enables organizations to monitor their workplace health and safety by providing real-time inspection and survey data. This information can be used for risk management by identifying potential hazards and risks, which can then be mitigate

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Compliance management

qubesense ehs management software streamlines data collection, automating reporting so that organizations can easily manage compliance requirements. With automated proof-of-compliance documentation, regulatory compliance becomes more manageable

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Incident management

qubesense ehs management system streamlines incident management processes, ensuring timely reporting and response to incidents. The software allows you to work independently of location or incident that would otherwise halt business

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100% Customized

With qubesense' customized health and safety management solution, employees have access to tailored information specific to their area of responsibility, resulting in a more efficient and streamlined EHS process.

How qubesense Health and Safety Management Software Can Proactively Reduce Risks


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IndoGlobus QubeSense